Healing Institute Zimbabwe was held in the month of October 2023, in conjunction with the historical International Pastors and Leaders’ Summit (IPLS). Both physical and online participants, witnessed the extraordinary manifestation of God’s divine healing power through the Highly Esteemed Prophet Uebert Angel. Proverbs 23:18 (AMP) states, “Surely there is a future [and a reward], And your hope and expectation will not be cut off.” This scripture was made evident during the Healing Institute session and the entrance of the Prophet, brought a distinct shift in the atmosphere, confirming the appointed time for miracles had arrived. Shouts of jubilation and victory resounded throughout, as people received their healing and freedom from all that had afflicted them for so long.

  • Over 6,500 physical attendees came from all four corners of the world.
  • Over 3,300,000 online participants joined via the GoodNewsTV Network Platforms from all around the world.
  • Death sentences were cancelled in the lives of many people; the world witnessed broken bones and joints being rearranged, the crippled walking, blind eyes opening, meningitis being healed, and cancer defeated. Every sickness and medical condition bowed to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Participants, and viewers ranged from various countries, USA, UK, Russia, Japan, UAE, India, and Fiji are just a few of the countries that participated.

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